The Unstoppable Framework: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Your Goals

We all aspire to be better, stronger, smarter, and healthier, yet many struggle to stick with their goals. In this post, we’ll explore a practical framework that addresses this common issue, allowing you to effortlessly surpass your goals. This system has been successfully used to develop the discipline needed to hold a 15-minute plank every day. Join me on this journey, and let’s unlock your raw power together.

Step 1: Action-Oriented Goals

Instead of setting vague and impractical goals, focus on specific actions within a defined time frame. For instance, rather than aiming to lose 20 pounds, set a goal to complete 10,000 push-ups by the end of the year. Break down the goal into actionable steps, visualize each step, and establish a non-negotiable daily minimum to make progress.


  • Goal: Learn computer programming Action: Code 25 functional programs
  • Goal: Get into a relationship Action: Have 100 interesting conversations with strangers
  • Goal: Become a famous YouTuber Action: Make 100 videos packed with value

Step 2: Minimize Friction

Identify and eliminate real and imagined friction in your journey. If the gym is too far away, make the ground you stand on your gym. Remove unnecessary obstacles, such as the need for a personal trainer. Break down actions into 5-minute chunks, making them easily achievable and minimally taxing on your resources.


  • Gym too far away? Your ground is the gym.
  • No personal trainer? Do 10 burpees without one.
  • Intimidated by learning Spanish? Start with one word a day.

Step 3: Anchor and Toll

Anchor your new habits to existing routines in your daily life. Create a toll system where you attach a cost to certain activities, making them conditional on completing specific tasks. For example, learn one Spanish word before accessing the shower. Get creative with tolls to reinforce positive behaviors.


  • Anchor: Listen to audiobooks while taking dumps.
  • Toll: 10 push-ups before playing video games.
  • Toll: Learn one Spanish word before taking a shower.

Step 4: Pavlov’s Dog Conditioning

Pair your daily actions with something incredibly enjoyable, creating a Pavlovian association. Follow the sacred rule: only engage in the enjoyable activity when performing the specified action. This conditions your brain to crave the task, making it enjoyable and effortless.


  • Sacred rule: Play a phone game only while holding a plank.

Step 5: The Feather Approach

Gradually introduce small increments to your routine, making them feel almost negligible. If you started with a 20-second plank, increase to 25 seconds. This feather approach ensures a smooth transition, preventing burnout. Repeat this process until the combined weight of your actions becomes second nature.

Step 6: Build the Skyscraper

Continuously add new Lego bricks and feathers to your routine, creating a skyscraper of positive habits. With a solid anchor or toll, these habits will seamlessly integrate into your daily life. The compounding effect of these habits will lead to exponential growth and make you unstoppable in pursuing larger projects and goals.


By following this step-by-step framework, you can transform your life and become unstoppable in achieving your goals. The key is consistency, creativity, and a commitment to building a skyscraper of positive habits that elevate you to new heights. Start today, and watch as the compounding power of these habits propels you towards a limitless future.


Last modified on 2024-01-11